Deal or No Deal: Shoes that look like Toms

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I love Toms shoes.  I have several pairs, starting with the first pair that I bought while I was on vacation in the States.  I paid US $60.00 for them.  I find the price to be similar here in Canada.    They are comfortable, durable and they make my feet look smaller than they are, although I own both of the pairs of shoes below and they both fit even though one pair looks so much smaller than the other.  Not sure about that.  Here are a couple of pairs of shoes that I own:

Toms 2

Real Toms and Not Real Toms

Here is a pic of another pair of Not Real Toms

GT Toms

Giant Tiger Not Real Toms

The Real Toms pictured on the left hand side of the top pic cost US $60.00.
The Not Real Toms on the right hand side of the top pic cost C $2.99 and were purchased in a very generic clothing shop in a mall.
The Not Real Toms on the bottom pic can be purchased at Giant Tiger for C $10.00

While I am willing to bet that the Real Toms are probably better quality, if I blow through the others I am not going to be overly heartbroken about it, because I spent next to nothing on them.

Final Verdict:  Good Deal